Final days to have your say

The consultation period for the governments draft guidance on Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education is about to close on November 7th. This is your last chance to have your say and perhaps influence the final document.

If you work in Primary schools you might have concerns about the clarity of the new guidance, particularly the lack of importance given to Sex Education in Key stage 1 and 2. Perhaps you might feel that schools might still be confused about what parents do and do not have the right to be ‘excused’ from.

If you are a parent, what are the key issues for you, is the new guidance meeting your expectations?

Are you a young person? Do you think this guidance will adequately improve on the RSE that you received at school.

If you are completing the consultation, don’t forget to be really positive about any improvements that have been made on previous guidance.

Have your say